The objective of the Clear Giving Charitable Association is to benefit the philanthropic activities of select non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organizations within the greater Southern California area.
An elected board of directors will decide upon disbursement of the funds. Those charities receiving donations
will be of a nature of, but not limited to, such non-profit charitable organizations as: City of Hope Research
Hospital, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, the Food Bank of Southern California. At
no time will any monies be donated to organizations that are of the following nature: political, ethnic, and/or
any controversial subject/entity.
(one-time donation)
Checks should be made payable to Clear Giving Charitable Association. If already a Clearpath member, the funds may be deducted from an eligible account.
To join, click here. Print and complete the form titled "Clear Giving Charitable Association Membership Application" and follow the instructions.
Clear Giving Charitable Association,
300 East Magnolia Blvd., Suite 401,
Burbank CA, 91502-3238
If you have any questions, or would like us to send you a printed application, please call us at (800) 433-7328.